Masterwork Tools

creating 3d Printable Gaming Terrain

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Everything above, plus you will be able to vote on tiles, accessories and ideas at the masterwork tools backer site.  I shape my roadmap based on the top voted items, with a few surprises here and there.

Be sure to limit your reward to how many times per month you want to pay. I want to release tiles often, and want people to be delighted with each release instead of concerned about how much it's costing them.
  • Discord access 
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Everything above, plus your votes will get special consideration.  Want tiles or scatter to be a particular way, but most people don't prefer that, we'll be sure that there's a variation that meets your needs if practical.

Be sure to limit your reward to how many times per month you want to pay. I want to release tiles often, and want people to be delighted with each release instead of concerned about how much it's costing them. 
  • Discord access 
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Masterwork Tools

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